Welcome to the Made in America giveaway! I, myself, make stuff here in the Good-ol-U-S-of-A and I'm giving away a set of 6 patriotic unpaper towels, which are serged and ready to use! This is part of the Made in America blog event, hosted by Woven By Words and Joy of Momma Joyner. I have this prize but there's a grand prize waiting for you at the Host's blog - that grand prize is a Kayak from Lifetime Products and $100 in paypal! Check that out!
These are great for green living and fun to use instead of "paper" products!
Be sure to check out the other great giveaways as part of this Made in America event!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
These are great for green living and fun to use instead of "paper" products!
Be sure to check out the other great giveaways as part of this Made in America event!
thank you for the giveaway
thank you for the giveawa
I commented on the July 2 recall blog post you had here. Under Georgette C.
thank you for the great giveaway. These look like a great product.
I hope you had an awesome 4th. I am really excited about this giveaway. I am always looking for more green items to try. Lordie knows you just can't keep enough paper towels, so I am hoping this will be a great green alternative
myfreebi3s at yahoo dot com
commented on the post about your kids getting stung by scorpions under this same name.
Shannon M Gallagher on RC
surveylover77 at hotmail dot com
I commented on the Yay to Miranda Kerr - birth without drugs, birth without fear" post.
I commented on your Night Weaning Update!
Stacie B.
I commented on your July 9th recall post. Keep up the good work.
Damian Jarreau
Commented on your A reminder to just say yes post.
Commented on your post "New Etsy Shop My Little Haven + Giveaway" I think it is inspiring that you have that shop for the things you make..I may have to look into starting my own! Thanks for the giveaways.
I commented on the Updated Dirty Dozen - Organic Foods popst as rebecca shockley
Is there supposed to be a rafflecopter...I can't see it and have refreshed many times...
Left comment here:-
"What is the effect of biofuel crops on local environment?
wisdompays50 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for all your posts and interests!
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