Monday, March 12, 2012

Amputate arms to prevent broken arms

Is just as insane as cutting off a part of the penis (actually the foreskin, an organ) to prevent STDs and now prostate cancer? Yes, I'm an intactivist. For those with religious reasons, I really don't envy your need to make that decision, especially if you're not a practicing Muslim or Jew (Jews intact info, click here). As for Christians... it is actually probably against the Bible to continue to circumcise, so it isn't in your religion to cut, but for the most part Christianity is likely neutral on the topic (Phil. 3:2 "Beware of the dogs! Beware of the evil workers! Beware of the mutilation! For WE are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put NO confidence in the flesh!")

However, we know that it is mostly debunked to say that cutting prevents STDs. They can still spread and to say to have unprotected random sex is okay because you're cut is pretty absurd. Let's not give people a false sense of hope.

So if you ARE cut and are worried about prostate cancer, don't run over to your local doctors office and start cutting off the tip of your penis! Get active, use foods known to reduce risk of overall cancers, get rid of high fatty foods, drink breastmilk (ha!) and stay intact. There are plenty of benefits to not running to your urologist.

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