Are you a current cloth diapering parent? If so, the Real Diaper Association needs your feedback so they really know what is happening in the cloth diapering world... today! Things change, times change, gadgets change, right? That's why they want to keep up to date!
Please let them know Attached Moms sent you as well :)
Please see their latest request below:
Do you cloth diaper? If so, please fill out this survey, you may just win a free diaper while you're at it! Please say Attached Moms sent you!
Are you a current cloth diapering parent? If so, the Real Diaper Association needs your feedback so they really know what is happening in the cloth diapering world... today! Things change, times change, gadgets change, right? That's why they want to keep up to date!
Please let them know Attached Moms sent you as well :)
Please see their latest request below:
The Real Diaper Association has recently launched our first comprehensive survey to understand current cloth diapering practices. The goal of the survey is to understand who is using cloth diapers and how and where they're using them. We will use the information to develop projects to better support and facilitate the use of cloth diapers.
In order to get the best information that we can, we need a LOT of people to respond - - our target is 10,000, which should be possible if you all help by reaching out to your local communities. We managed to get more than 8000 babies changed SIMULTANEOUSLY, so we should easily be able to get 10,000 cloth diaper users to devote 15-20 minutes of their time to help the cloth diaper movement, right? :)
Here's the link: 2012GreatClothDiaperSurvey
To sweeten the offer, we're giving high quality DIY REUSABLE prizes to participants and referrers. (So be sure to ask everyone to put your name in the field on the last page of the survey!) You can find out more about the survey on our blog at 2012-great-cloth-diaper-survey
Please note - the survey is only open to CURRENT cloth diapering parents - - regardless of how many cloth diapers they use each day.
Do you cloth diaper? If so, please fill out this survey, you may just win a free diaper while you're at it! Please say Attached Moms sent you!
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