Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Night five of gently night weaning a two year old

And the night weaning journey continues (read previous "episodes" here: 1, 2-3, 4)... at 25 months my son still enjoys nursing. When my daughter was this age she was mostly night weaned (but then un-night weaned, and then re-night weaned.... etc.) because I was heavily pregnant and could only handle her nursing a few times a day and for "one ABC" count down.

The cutie with no midnight "dudh."
Photo by Urban Life Photography.

Night five I slept mostly soundly. After having a lot of shooting pain in my breasts and warmth in my breast I was afraid I may be getting mastitis due to the drastic decrease in nursing, especially on my left side, so I needed to relax, drink some fluids and used plenty of garlic as a precaution. I'm still having shooting pains, but less often and no heat. If I feel it again tomorrow, I may need to figure out if I still have my Breast Pump (and hopefully have some new falanges! somewhere stored!).

Anyway, what I thought was an easy night for my husband, since I slept with the door shut, was not. We found our humidifier, (which luckily did NOT sell in our rummage sale) and purchased a new filter, hoping this would assist my son's night cough. Apparently he woke and was up for an hour and a half. So, after five nights we realize night weaning in this regard is not working. The point was to hopefully get ALL of us more sleep, not just me. So, tonight, I'll sleep in the same room as my son and comfort him to sleep.

More updates soon! Here's tonight going super smoothly :)

Updated to part 6.

Breastflow miPump Sing...$50.47 Sam's ClubBreastflow miPump Sing...$50.47 Sam's Club

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