Thursday, October 23, 2008


Why would someone want to 'relactate'? Perhaps they breastfed their baby, but after some time it wasn't working, or they may have been told that it was "okay" to stop, or they may have been told that their milk supply was too low. However, just because you stopped doesn't mean you can't restart. Heck, It isn't easy, but some women who haven't ever been pregnant have successfully lactated.

So for a child under two, why not consider giving her or him the comfort of mommy and great nutrition at the same time? Relactating is an option, it isn't easy, but it can be truly beautiful, and heck, it saves money! :)

here are a few resources : and -

Most women start using a medical grade pump and increasing use of supplmenets (or as vegetable) of fenugreek (I have recipes if you're interested) and oatmeal- and you may request a prescription of Domperidone since it really helps milk production. Many women are able to relactate within 30 days... So it is up to you!

You might allow your baby to simulate nursing, thereby the suckling works like a pump would with an adoptive parent - increase water intake, eat oatmeal every morning (and oatmeal cookies!) and take fenugreek supplement or eat it as a vegetable for dinner.

Also, check if your insurance covers or helps with the cost of a medical grade pump - a 2 month pump rental would probably run you around $100-150. If you end up nursing her again for say 12 months, then that'll cover the cost of the soy milk I'm sure :)
It isn't easy, but some women who haven't ever been pregnant have successfully lactated. I'm assuming that based on your daughter's age you've probably lactated in the last year. Here is a beautiful story -

here are a few resources : and -

You might allow your baby to simulate nursing, thereby the suckling works like a pump would with an adoptive parent - increase water intake, eat oatmeal every morning (and oatmeal cookies!) and take fenugreek supplement or eat it as a vegetable for dinner.

Basically if you search "relactation" you'll find many resources.

Basically if you search "relactation" you'll find many resources.

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